The SausageCraft Academy


    Join us for a hands-on experience and learn the art of sausage making from our Sausage Sorcerer, Tuna. In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to explore the craft of creating artisanal sausages from scratch.

    During the workshop, you’ll learn about the basics of what goes into a sausage, how to handle natural sheep casing, the right texture to achieve when mixing and walk you through the entire process from grinding the meat, to mixing, to casing and linking the sausages.

    No prior experience is required – this workshop is designed for beginners. You’ll leave with not only the knowledge and skills to make your own sausages at home, but you’ll get to bring back the sausages made during the workshop for your family to enjoy.

    Spaces are limited to ensure enough time per participant to master the technique.

    Registration closes on 22 Sept 11.59pm.

    If booking for 2 or more people or buying this as a gift, please provide the names, contact numbers and emails of the additional persons/giftees in ‘Order Notes’ when checking out.

    By purchasing tickets to the event, I consent to the Terms and Conditions.

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