21Day Coffee Dry Aged Aus Black Angus MS2+: Ribeye ($14.80/100g)


For the uninitiated, say hello to our coffee-aged beef. Long story short: we love to experiment and wanted to see how we can push the dry-age flavour further by marrying it with our other love, coffee.

We got our geek on and played with coffee in various states, intensity and duration and the winning combination ended up being what you see now – beef wrapped with cheese cloth, and regularly basted with our house-made cold brew coffee resulting in what is frankly, a very sexy sear and robust flavour (before you ask, no you don’t taste the coffee).

Some fans even commented how it’s a great intro into dry-aging because the coffee seems to dampen the usual funkiness one associates dry-aged steak with. In science speak: coffee contains tannins which amplifies flavour and help break down protein. Proteins and fats (from the beef) have the ability to bind with tannins, thus muting the sense of astringency which in turn enhances the perception of sweetness.

In English, it’s beef, but enhanced.

